Books ….

Keepers of Wisdom from
The Beginning of Mankind …

Works of Art made
By Gentle Hands of Monks …

Burned Alive in a Bonfire:
Martyrs of Freedom …

Information and Knowledge
At the Tips of Your Finger …

Silent Company That Talk Aloud
Only in Your Thoughts …

Best of Friends That Never Betray You
But Require Only Respect…

A Library… An Abode of Books
A Joy to Behold Where One Can Taste
All The Ingredients Of Life In A Few Pages…

Books-An Element Which No Modern Invention
Can Ever Destroy!

“Poetry is the aim of my existence. It is the catharsis of the poet. The beauty of poetry transcends all divisions of mankind ie nationality, religion and social classes. In a like manner to the concept of the Universal Soldier I believe in the validity of hypothesis of the Universal Poet.

There is no basic difference between a contemporary poet and one who lived 2000 years ago. Or a poet who lives in South America and another who lives near the South Pole; they both live, love and experience life with unlimited passion….”